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onshape-robotics-toolkit is a feature-rich Python library that significantly extends the capabilities of Onshape's web-based CAD platform. The library provides a comprehensive API for automating robot design tasks, including solid model manipulation, robot assembly management, graph-based visualizations, and exporting CAD assemblies to URDF files for simulation and control. Intended as a resource for the robotics community, this library leverages Onshape's REST API to facilitate advanced workflows that bridge CAD design and robotics applications.


  This library was inspired by onshape-to-robot, a tool renowned for its streamlined approach to URDF generation. While onshape-to-robot library focuses on predefined workflows and design-time considerations, the onshape-robotics-toolkit library offers greater flexibility. It provides access to nearly all of Onshape's REST API calls, enabling headless manipulation, detailed analysis, and seamless export of CAD assemblies. Users can programmatically edit variable studios, generate graph-based visualizations, and export URDF files tailored to their specific needs—all without being restricted by rigid workflows or naming conventions. By removing these constraints, the onshape-robotics-toolkit library empowers the robotics and CAD communities to create custom solutions for algorithmic design, optimization, and automation.


Key Features of onshape-robotics-toolkit

The onshape-robotics-toolkit library is designed for users seeking a scalable, versatile API that empowers innovative robot design and control workflows. By integrating Onshape into algorithmic processes such as design optimization and automation, it unlocks the full potential of Onshape's cloud-based CAD system, fostering creativity and efficiency in robotics and beyond.


Feature onshape-robotics-toolkit onshape-to-robot
Workflow Flexibility ✅ Open-ended and customizable ❌ Predefined and rigid
Design-Time Considerations ✅ None ❌ Requires specific naming conventions
Custom URDF Workflow ✅ Supports any assembly ❌ Limited by design rules
Variable Studio Editing ✅ Yes ❌ No
Ease of Setup ❌ Moderate (requires python coding) ✅ Easy (no coding required)
Headless Integration ✅ Yes (e.g., optimization) ❌ No out-of-the-box support
Access to Full Onshape API ✅ Yes ❌ Limited
Graph Visualization and Analysis ✅ Supports graph generation ❌ Not supported


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:


You can install onshape-robotics-toolkit using pip, which is the easiest way to install it and is the recommended method for most users.

pip install onshape-robotics-toolkit

If you want to install from source, you'll need to install poetry and git first. Then, you can clone the repository and install the package.

git clone
cd onshape-robotics-toolkit
poetry install


If you're interested in contributing to the project, please read the contributing guidelines to get started. All contributions are welcome!


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For more information, please refer to the license file.
